
Online Conference on the EU-Australia FTA (23 Nov 2021) – Organized by Saarland Uni, Monash Uni and WTI Advisors

The Europa Institut at Saarland University, Monash University and WTI Advisors invite you to an online conference on the EU-Australia FTA on 23 Nov 2021. Researchers from around the globe are convening to share their analyses.  The conference will feature 3 panels chaired by Professor Marc Bungenberg (Europa-Institut, Saarland University), Professor Andrew Mitchell (Faculty of Law, Monash University) and Hannes Schloemann (Director, WTI Advisors). The panels will cover a wide variety of topics, including the framework of bilateral free trade agreements, the policy relations between the EU and Australia, dispute settlement mechanisms, services, competition, subsidies, and government procurements.

Fur further details and the registration link see our events page.


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