
Trade and Health after Covid-19: The Services Dimension – 28 Sep 2022 @ WTO Public Forum

Everybody speaks about (trade in) vaccines, therapeutics and PPEs – but what about (trade in) health-related services?

This WTO Public Forum session hosted by WTI Advisors discusses how trade and investment in health-related services could be improved to better address the current pandemic and future international health crises. Alain Labrique, Director of the Department of Digital Health and Innovation of the World Health Organization; Karen Muramatsu, a Consultant with the Global Trade and Regional Integration Unit of the World Bank; Hannes Schloemann, Director of WTI Advisors; and Joscelyn Magdeleine, Counselor in the Services and Investment Division of the WTO Secretariat will join Hadil Hijazi, Director of WTI Advisors (Moderator) on the panel.

Until now, the health services sector has been the least open of all services sectors at the WTO, with many Members having undertaken no commitments under the GATS. Yet, a lot could be done to facilitate access to medical attention during a pandemic – to mind come easier teleconsultations, temporary movement of health-related professionals, portability and other liberalization of insurance services, digitalization of healthcare systems, etc. The panellists will take a closer look at different kinds of restrictions as well as relevant measures that can be adopted on a temporary basis in the short term or on a permanent basis to build the resilience of the health system at the national, regional, and global levels.

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