WTI Advisors is a specialized provider of high-end professional services in international trade policy, law and economics.
We combine a core team of experienced trade practitioners our global network of trade experts, academics, and consultants, including from the ranks of the World Trade Institute (WTI) in Bern.
We provide timely, pragmatic and cost-effective advice, representation and training in the context of trade negotiations, the formulation and implementation of national trade policy and the settlement of disputes. Our clients include governments, in particular from developing countries, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, trade associations, and private businesses. We have specific regional experience in Europe, Oceania, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, the wider ACP, South- East Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East.
Our expertise spans virtually all areas of international law, policy and economics, within and beyond the World Trade Organization. We are proficient in matters ranging from the Doha Development Agenda to Joint Statement Initiatives, from dispute settlement to waivers, from GATT to GATS, from trade remedies to competition policy, from agriculture to NAMA, from market access to domestic regulation, from trade and environment to trade and investment, and from climate change to national security. Specializations within our core team include services regulation and related policy-making, the design of goods offers and their negotiation, rules of origin, trade measures to mitigate climate change, TBT and SPS, investment and trade facilitation, subsidies and government procurement. We have particular expertise in WTO accessions, from observership via bilaterals, to pre- and post- accession implementation.
“Guter Rat ist teuer. Schlechter Rat ist unbezahlbar.”
We also cover bilateral and regional trade systems. We advise clients on European Union trade law and policy, including ‘new generation’ EU FTAs with developed and developing partner countries around the globe, the Euro-Med (Barcelona) process and the wider Neighbourhood Policy. We have expertise in virtually all aspects of the EU’s trade relations with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group, including extensive experience with regional integration processes and agreements such as SADC, the Pacific Islands Forum, ASEAN and CARICOM.
We care about sustainability, social inclusion, gender and justice in trade and investment policy and regulation, as do many of our clients. Where desired we reflect this in our work.
WTI Advisors combines professionalism and academic excellence. We lecture and publish regularly on international trade matters. Our partners include the World Trade Institute, one of the finest post- graduate institutes in the area of international trade.
WTI Advisors is an Oxford-based UK Company with a major branch office in Geneva, Switzerland, and a subsidiary in Paris, France.

WTI Advisors Ltd.
27, quai du Mont-Blanc
CH-1201 Genève
Phone : +41-22-731 95 08
Fax : +41-22-731 95 18
Email : geneva@wtiadvisors.com
WTI Advisors Ltd.
WTI Advisors Ltd.
7200 The Quorum,
Alex Issigonis Way,
Oxford Business Park, North,
Oxford OX4 2JZ,
United Kingdom
Email : oxford@wtiadvisors.com
WTI Advisors SARL, 250B,
Boulevard Saint Germain,
75007 Paris, France