Our approach is demand-driven and highly flexible.
All our interventions are tailored to the client’s needs and adapted the specific context.
We work in English, French, German, Arabic and Spanish.
WTI Advisors is built on a core team of experienced trade professionals, complemented by specialized consultants.

Trade Negotiations
(and Trade Wars)
We provide advice, analysis, training, coaching and direct in-room support to governments and other stakeholders in the context of multilateral, regional and bilateral negotiations. We advise individual countries and groups of countries in WTO negotiations, FTA and other trade and investment negotiations and broader regional integration processes.

Trade Policy Formulation And Implementation
We provide advice, consultations and drafting support in trade (and investment) policy making and regulation, within and outside the context of trade agreements and economic integration processes. Examples include advisory support to Nigeria on the reform of its trade policy, to Palestine in developing its trade policy, to Viet Nam in complying with WTO commitments and to.

WTO Accessions
We provide assistance to governments and other stakeholders of acceding countries from obtaining observership status to managing post-accession processes and reforms. We have worked in the context of the accessions/observerships of Afghanistan, Bhutan, The Bahamas, Cambodia, Kosovo, Laos, Lebanon, Palestine, Serbia, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam and Yemen.

Studies and Opinions
A fast-changing international trade and investment world needs analysis of challenges as well as creative design of responses – national, regional, plurilateral, multilateral. We conduct studies and provide opinions on trade- and investment-related issues, usually upon reques, sometimes on our own initiative.

Trainings, Workshops,
Stakeholder Consultations
We conduct tailor-made trainings and courses on virtually all aspects of international trade regulation and policy, including high-intensity hybrid trainings and coaching for diplomats and other government officials in the immediate WTO meeting context in Geneva. We design and moderate stakeholder consultations in the context of trade policy making and negotiations.

Dispute Settlement
Conflicts are part of life, dispute settlement a key ingredient of the world’s trade and investment constitution. We advise and represent governments and other clients in the context of WTO and other dispute settlement proceedings. We also advise and coach governments on enhancing their dispute settlement capacities.